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Thursday, February 21, 2008

8 months old!

Ok, I am a tad late on this one...it is 1am and I am writing this, so technically his 8 mo. B-day was yesterday. (the 20th) This is the first chance I have got today to get on here, and I haven't slept yet so it is today to me :)

JAMES IS EIGHT MONTHS OLD!! what a big boy!

He is doing all sorts of new things. As my previous post anounced, he recieved his first tooth!

He is all over the place when it comes to crawling and walking along funiture or climbing over toys.

He definatly knows what he wants (and how to get it lol).

He is starting to eat some small table foods.

He is almost clapping.

He waves bye-bye.

He gives tons of kisses, even when you don't ask for them- what a sweet guy :)

There is way more, but the list just goes on and on!


Anonymous said...

We love James!! Love, Grammypants

Anonymous said...

Bridget, these pictures are so beautiful! You are very talented with a camera! James is so adroable! I love the tooth chart too!