I found a really fun and really cheap craft project for James that he
absolutely loves! Foam stickers with these cheap foam visors or just foam sheets. He was so funny and excited about this...something different from his usual crayons, markers, and play-
doh. I sat there with him for a while to peel the backs off, but he eventually started doing it himself!

This first picture was the only one he didn't pose for. All of the other ones he chose when he wanted me to take the picture. He would pose and then look at me and say picture. He is so silly and maybe a future
photographer :) His little poses were great!
1 comment:
I love your crafty ideas for Jamesey! He is so lucky to have a mom like you. That's so cute that he was posing for the camera. And that confused tree in your backyard is so funny! Love, Roxanne
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