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Saturday, March 06, 2010


In hopes of turning my blubbery postpartum body (yes, that's my excuse) into a rockin 6 pack (yeah right), we got a wii and a wii fit! Talk about fun. There is one of our family members that I didn't really think would benefit from having the wii. I was wrong...

In a matter of an hour or so, Caleb successfully taught our 2 1/2 year old child how to work the whole wii console. Yep, you heard me right. Maybe this isn't as surprising to others as it is to me :)

He has his own "mii" character. He can pick the game he wants to play, choose his mii, change games if he wants and so on. He loves to play "his games". We don't even have to be in the room. He is completely independent with the wii! LOL!

Our mii family :)


Sarah Doffing said...

you need to make an Ada mii!

Ms Mae said...

How fun! We used to have a wii. Then we sold it. Maybe when the girls get a bit bigger we will get another one :)

Anonymous said...

We have a baby Hailee mii, it's so cute! You have to make a baby Ada mii! I live the Wii!