James and I took a walk this evening and stopped by the elementary school to play in their field. The weather was so beautiful and it was just so nice to hang out in the grass! While we were lounging in the grass we had a couple little friends join us. James thought he could get them, but he was wrong :)
4 days ago
Ah, I just came back to your page and this post appeared. haha. we must be on at the same time.
BRIDGE!!! Those pics are amazing!! Great talent, well, awesome subject of course, but Wow! These look so professional!
I love the pictures too. You are talented. That "serious" face reminds me of my Eli. They look somewhat similar. Must be the big cheeks and not much hair on top. lol.
Oh Bridge, these are so pretty! I cant wait to get there! Love Grammymom
I love James' expressions! I, too, think you're a wonderful photographer.
Bridget, say are the wolves out feeding this time of year?
HAHA MOM! For anyone seeing the comment above, the first second I saw those deer I thought they were wolves or something and scooped James up and started running at speeds I didn't know I could do. I threw up in my mouth a little bit, almost soiled myself, and my heart was beating about a million times a minute. I was shaking for a good hour after it happend. They were just a couple of harmless deer. silly me!
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