A hat! The other day James and I were going to go on a walk and it was a little on the cool side so I thought a hat would be good. Then realizing we didn't have any due to the fact his head is not even close to the size it was last year I decided to make one. I had made one other hat last year which turned out super small, he couldn't even wear it. I am going to get cracking on another one because this one turned out a little short. I am still pretty proud of it though! Guess what everyone is getting for Christmas this year?
2 days ago
I love knitted hats.
I know how to knit, but i am not a big fan of it.
We have a few somewhere in a box but here we hardly need them with the TX weather, perhabs this year with the trip to the bus so early in the morning.
I have a Canon XSI and the camera is great, I just have to figure out what to do to get all my pictures sharp with the second lenses (70-300mm). I need to see if I have to chance a setting, but they are not as sharp as they should be.
I haven't knitted in years and have yarn coming out the wazoo. Which pattern did you use. I'd like to make one. Also, how do you get him to keep it on?
Very good. I know how to knit and crochet but have never made a hat. How did you learn?
thanks for the comment! you have a great blog & your kiddo is so cute :-)
The hat looks great. Well done. When I was a child I took knitting with a crochety old lady. If we dropped a stitch we would get yelled at. Needless to say she completed the slippers I was working on because I refused to go back!
I tried to knit once. Didn't turn out so well. I do better making quilts- where I can sew a straight line ;)
Nice!! Are you going to post the pattern? Pretty please?! :o)
wow! that's awesome!
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